![Action Blindfold](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fusionfall/images/4/4d/Action_Blindfold.png/revision/latest?cb=20081228211458)
The Blindfold: One of FusionFall´s most iconic items. This item was praised back in the original game, thanks to its awesome look and its crazy rarity, being an Ultra Rare item which could only be obtained in the Future. Its was worth hundreds and even thousands of taros for just one.
Nowdays, its still praised as looking great, but its price has decreased drastically, and by that i actually mean it: Drastically. Its price is so low you can easily get one just by doing a few missions, and its as low as 1000 and even 500 Taros.
So... Why is this? I decided to dig into it, and heres what i found... Get ready boys... ITS HISTORY TIME.
The Blindfold back in the original game wasnt a drop like it is today, no no no. Back then it was ONLY an Egger item. It wasnt as valuable back when the Future was still around, because you could get it from grinding Eggers, but if you werent in the Past, people would see Future Eggs for about 50k Taros... YIKES. Thats alot.
Go to February 2011, where the Future was replaced for the Academy, and with that, Future Eggers, and with it the Blindfold, werent available anymore, well not easily anyways.
This was where both items got a huge raise in price. Xtreme FusionFall, an old FF Forum, made a price list back around 2011-2012, and put the Blindfold at 50k to as much as 200k Taros, almost as much as the other most wanted items, like the Eduardo and Open Circuit sets.
It was still obtainable, but since it was an Ultra Rare, it was better to obtain it via Trading, since Taros were easy to obtain as well.
Jump to Retro and Blindfolds were made obtainable thanks to the new drop system, where drops were spread to all monsters of the same level rather than each monster having specific drops, and with that some items were added to the drop list, including the Blindfold.
With people grinding like crazy for items and Taros, obviously alot of Blindfolds would be found, and IT DID.
Blindfolds started at 15k or 10k, but quickly, AND I MEAN QUICKLY went down in price to 5k, then quickly to 2k and finally to the price of today: 1k-500 Taros
The price difference is insane from game to game, and theres one simple reason for this change: Saturation
You see, originally one of the best areas to grind was Sector V with the Fusion Spawns, since they were easy to kill, and with them and the Shocktanglers being the only monsters that can drop Accessories, it made them a big grinding target.
With that, people began to grind them like crazy, and getting Blindfolds left and right, and thus saturating the market of them, and thats where we currently are.
It hasnt just been the Blindfold who´s been affected by "The Retro-conomy apocalypse". Other items include the 2010 Hat, who in the Xtreme FusionFall list went as high as 150k Taros, now its 10k-15k Taros.
Whether the price of them will rise once people are in the Past is unknown, but whatever may happen to them just goes to show how an economy can change with just a single difference, this time being drop rates and things you can do to obtain it (You can still get the Blindfold from Eggers, alongside various Egger exclusive items).
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