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Devblog 30! M is for...

Mandark :/

Well, well, well! Looks like everyone is making a devblog. Might as well join in, I am the most important member of the team, after all!

I am Mandark. I am THE founder of FusionFall Legacy and I do ALL the work. far as you know. So I'm taking the precious time out of my very busy schedule to show you all the hard work that I totally put in to making the game!

Particle Effects

As project lead, I create all of the particle effects using my superior intellect and and amazing art skills. (more on those later!)  We   I make the particle effects as close as possible to the original game, but when the team   I think there is room for improvement, adjustments are made. As most of you know, when Fuse's goons are defeated, they dissolve back into fusion matter, so the particle effect was designed to show that in action.

Here's another little detail I'm sure only those of you with the sharpest eye picked up on.

The mission objective particle effect is actually being "projected" via a device connected to your nanocom, courtesy of Dexlabs   Mandark Industries!

Unfortunately, a Jumbo Fusion Spawn barged in to my lab the other day and stole all the footage of all the other particle effects I was going to show you today.

...but don't worry, I've tasked an elite group of Mandroids to apprehend the little slime ball!

They'll... they'll uh... catch him eventually.

The Art

Moving on, I'm now going to take the time to talk about all of the artwork I do here at FusionFall Legacy. As the only artist on the team, Virt I opted to create a new set of art for the log-in screen. The art was created with the idea that they were welcoming the player, getting ready to head out to the battle. While the login art was designed with the whole picture in mind, they were all designed as individual pieces of artwork so that they could be used for other promotional material if needed.

Revealing the Silhouettes

I'm sure many of you remember the character silhouettes shown in previous devblogs. Since I'm the one who created all of the new designs for the characters, I figured it was about time to reveal the whole image and go over all of the new faces coming to FusionFall Lega.....y ..tarting... w..ith .......... .r.. ... .f.. .......

Ya know, im just laughting at this, its funny.
though, who do you think he was about to reveal? 

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