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Devblog 31: Coding the enemies

Heres one of my favorite parts of a game, coding! And Funske is here to explain such thing:

Hey FusionFall Legacy community, I hope you have been enjoying this week of devblogs. As most of you know I’m one of the programmers on the team, and recently I’ve been working on polishing all those little details in the game. I’m really excited for you guys to play the upcoming demo of the game. A lot of time and effort has been put in to it, so today I’ll be showing you guys some of the specific things I’ve been working on lately.

A quick screenshot of player inventory has been shown in a previous devblog, but now it looks much better than it did previously. There are a ton of little details when making something like an inventory system, but after going through a lot of polish it looks almost identical to how it did in the real game.

When programming for FusionFall Legacy I use a much different approach than if I were programming any other game. Because FusionFall is an already released game, there are many references of the game for the team to look at. Before I start to make anything whether that be combat, inventory, or missions, I always study the source material. I try to figure out how the original developers made that feature and then try to replicate it. Another aspect of the game that has been touched on recently is Nanos. Nanos might be small, but there is quite a bit of action that needs to be programmed.

Each Nano has to be individually made as most of them have unique powers, and because FusionFall Legacy will feature new nano powers, we have to make sure all nanos are balanced and fair.

Of course we have to add in the baddies as well. I’ve spent a lot of time working on enemies as there is quite a bit to make. A few months ago we showed off that enemies were in the game, but they have gone through plenty of makeovers since that time. Enemies have three primary states: they are either walking around, chasing the player, or attacking the player. It sounds simple enough but there is a bunch of stuff going on behind the scenes to make them all work.

When enemies are walking around, they pick a random point somewhere around them. After this point is selected, they then check if that point is inside their spawner radius. This way, enemies can’t walk to other areas they don’t belong in. Despite the fact that enemies hover, jump, fly, or just walk, their style of movement has no effect on how they actually move around, those little details are done by animation. This is definitely the simplest part about enemies. Enemies are always on the lookout for players nearby. Enemies can do this in two ways. If a player gets too close to an enemy, it will then become aggressive and start attacking. Alternatively, if the player starts attacking an enemy, it will start to retaliate.

This is where each enemy’s personality starts to comes out. Each enemy has different variables to make them more special. Some enemies have stronger attack or stronger defense. Some enemies don’t care if you walk next to them and others do. This makes each enemy seem unique in order to make the world of FusionFall seem even more full and alive.

Fusion Spawns are one of FusionFall’s most well-known enemies, and the first ones to be added in FusionFall Legacy. These creatures are generic stat wise, but they love to stay in groups. If you anger one, more will be sure to follow!

This Shocktangler, which is an enemy you can fight in the demo, has a strong attack, but lacks some defense. Shocktanglers have a better eye then some other enemies, and will notice from a farther distance. Some of them even possess the powerful eruption attack. When it’s charged, it launches condensed amounts of Fusion Matter beneath your feet.

I hope you have been enjoying this week full of devblogs. Check out the livestream Tuesday at 4:30 EST.

This is probably the last devblog of this week, but we'll see you at the live event!

Im expecting a Devblog tomorrow, but we will see...

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