For those who may not know what this is, its basically a game/event where 6 teams try to conquer territories, have fun and much more. Heres the link to the OG post talking all about it:
The 1st challenge was announced yesterday, and its quite a tricky one actually. Here are the details from Emperor Ectoshock himself.
With the opportunity I can take at this time, I believe it is also time to show to you the very first challenge each team will be participating in come the preparation/starting time of the Chromatic Conquest Challenge (C3).
So we all know the deal - capture the Hubs, gain the turf, rack up the W's. So how do we determine who will get theirs first? Simple, and the explanation below will tell you how:
{2 Pairs of Teams will be assigned to obtain each of the signature sets from Bad Max & Don Doom in the Future. Whichever team can COLLECTIVELY (meaning it doesn't just have to be one person obtaining all of the items needed) require the Items assigned the most AND first will automatically claim the Suburb Hub with the most Sectors: Endsville. 2nd place will be rewarded with Peach Creek Commons and 3rd place will be rewarded Sector V/Heroes Square. Every team will have 3 days (or more, if chosen to extend the time) to complete this challenge, and to announce if you have completed it, you must find me in-game or @ me on Discord in the FoFM immediately to show your results. More details will be shown and discussed gradually.}
Now, to present the assigned sets to the assigned teams, which you will see below.
Quite the difficult challenge huh? Good luck everyone!
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