(All memes were taken from this thread: http://www.forums.fusionfalluniverse.com/index.php?topic=8073.15)
Number 5: Broken Release Date Machine
Our 1st meme here is the recently popular X machine broke meme. In our case, this man comes to a restaurant to see the RETRO release date, all ruined after they tell him that the Release Date broke, thus making the man kinda mad, making him say the popular quote "Understandable. Have a great day". Making much more sense since the Release date has shifted alot since the 1st summer 2016 release date.
Number 4: Dupe Threads
Our next entry shows the ridiculous stuff that can happen with threads asking for a release date. Your typical person comes with a thread to ask about it, only for a mod to tell you its a duplicate thread, thus making you panic and run for your life before you get a warning. Its downright hilarious and i just love it. Makes so much sense XP
Number 3: The meta joke
This next one shows the most problematic thing about the original game: CRASHING. See, when you warped to a buddy, you had the high chance to crash, thus when you succesfully make it, its considered "a success". Made even funnier with "success baby" in here.
Number 2: The unknown
With the ridiculous ways that you could get out of places to enter the unknown, of course you would get lost and end up in the middle of nowhere (literally), and this one shows just that, and the struggle that it can be to return. Sadly getting to the unknown will be impossible in RETRO, but hey! Its still fun to remember this weird but interesting place.
Number 1: The Guides
With all the guides in FusionFall being crazy smart, strong or powerful, all that Double D has is... Butter Toast. Mocking how complex the other guides are in comparison to Double D, and just how hilarious his abilities are in comparison to others.
And thats my picks for some of the funniest memes so far! What do you think? Share us your favorite meme too! See yall later!
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