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Rest In Peace, The Unknown.

On January 26th. 2019, the "Minor" update came out, and with it introduced a lot of cool content and bug fixes, but it also removed one of the most prominent and coolest areas in FusionFall: The Unknown.

The Unknown was the test and bug area for the game. Developers tested features there, and fusion lairs and a few Infected Zones were stored there. Nobody was allowed to go in there, or at least we thought.

After some time people started finding ways to enter the Unknown. Popular people who managed to get in there included Legomegazord and Zippy Zoomshoes, the latter of which later released a video on getting to the Unknown and exploring practically all of it.

Later on in Retro, the Unknown was accesible again. Devs didnt advice people to go in there, and if your character got stuck there they would not help you, but people did it either way.

Sadly, as said before, with the January 26th update the Unknown was locked, and people who try to go in there get inmediately teleported back. The area should still be there since fusion lairs and more are there, but if you try to access it thru other means you will get teleported.

In response to this, a pretty popular or at least well recognized player named Pistol_SpaceAir created a thread to try to get the Unknown to return. You can check the thread here.

He also created a post (yes really) to convince the devs to bring it back or at least achknowledge it. The petition requires 100 signatures, and while usually doesnt work, i do still recommend that if you want the Unknown back that you sign it.

In knowledge of the thread, Devan made this statement:

"Though it is possible for players to get outside the game map through normal means and using only the game mechanics to do so, we've had several cases of players abusing hacks to do so. Allowing the exploration of the out of bounds areas of the game incentivizes this behavior and is just unprofessional from a game design standpoint. We also then have to investigate every single case of players exploring outside the game map, and it can sometimes lead to unfair advantages for some players, like if Past players make their way to the Future area of the game.

More importantly, on several occasions, players have warped to others that were in the unknown and gotten stuck. Yes, I know its a button click away to get back to the main world, but there are a surprising amount of players that simply aren't aware and wind up with stuck characters.

I guess the point is that leaving the entire out of bounds area of the map is unprofessional and leads to a ton of inconveniences on pretty much everyone. This was the most elegant solution we could figure out to solving the issue. As an aside, characters that are in the unknown should be able to warp away or warp to a friend to make their way back to the main part of the game."

The devs are saying that it was used for cheating, hacking and exploiting, and also that it was unprofessional and gave unfair advantages. There were also alot of stuck players.

Devan continued replying thru the thread. Here are a few responses both from Devan and users. Make sure to enlarge the image if you cannot read the text.

So Plants: Should they bring back the Unknown?

Ill be honest. I dont like things that can be exploited, but this is quite a big part of FusionFall. Some people just played Retro for the Unknown (like Pistol_SpaceAir). Others got really popular off it, like Zippy Zoomshoes. 

For bringing it back, i would probbaly say No since it can be exploited and it wasnt meant to be a part of the game. I do feel that the Devs should have asked the community if they wanted it removed or kept rather than just doing it on their own, but thats just me.

As of this moment however, the Unknown is dead. May it rest in peace.

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