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Meet my characters (and the cringy backstories i have for them) as of 22/01/2019

So i have quite a few characters. Here they all are.

Plants 10000

Current Level: 36
Considers himself the leader of the group despite not having much experience in leadering. He only considers himself that way because he was the first, and the highest leveled so far. Used Scavenge for all of his journey, and loves progressing quickly and as efficiently as possible thru any challenge. 

Aqua Zoom

Current Level: 12
As a huge tech nerd, Aqua Zoom loves everything that is technology. For some reason, he doesnt like showing his face, and keeps a mask or a blindfold on him at all times. Known for experimenting with weird nano power choices, he can be a huge bag of surprises. Most around him think of him as a weirdo who almost never speaks. He is a really mysterious person for sure.

Corin Zoommage

Current Level: 23
While his name implies he is a mage, he really isnt, but instead he is known to be the problem solver for Plants and his group. He loves being around groups and helping out whenever possible, even if it means going out of his original plans. Loves his cone shaped hat and skull mask, which is why he has always been with Dexter from the start.

Zoom Xtreme

Current Level: 16
Being the outcast of the entire team, Zoom Xtreme has dedicated his full time since leaving the dreaded Future to being evil. Following the genius yet evil from Mojo Jojo, Zoom is set out to ruin anyones plans, but he still fights Fuse for whatever reason. Maybe he is trying to conquer the world as well, and we dont know it?

Zippy Wormzombie

Current Level: 14
Being the 1st girl to join the team, Zippy started out as the banker for the team, holding every item they obtained but didnt want to store. Eventually she got tired of this and decided to start fighting the fusion menace as well. While her gear may not have the greatest stats, she loves it and hasnt thrown it out nor changed it since she got it. Loves rifles to the point of not having much firepower in turn of using them, and always knows the best Nano team for a situation.

Abbey Yetiangel

Current Level: 13
Originally afraid of fighting the fusion invasion, Abbey joined her brother Corin to fight off the invasion. Her and Corin always make a great team, with them following the same guide and using almost the same items at times. Unlike Corin however, Abbey likes to go solo, which sometimes goes against her. 

Zippy Zerozap

Current Level: 4
No one knows much about Zippy Zero, other than she is the new member of the team. More Mysterious than Aqua Zoom, this girl has also been known to like technology and is very edgy. If anything, she is just another hero trying to find her role in the invasion. Whatever the case, we are sure she will make a great addition to the team.

Zippy Acrobatabyss

Current Level: 8
One day, Zippy Acro just showed up out of nowhere. Being a loner and a lover for the default nanos (Buttercup, Numbuh 2, Eddy), she doesnt interact much with the team, but has been seen interacting with the evil Zoom Xtreme. Maybe the 2 of them are allies? Evil or not, she still helps out in defeating the evil Fuse and his minions at whichever chance she has.

Purple 920

Current Level: 7
This gal showed up one day out of nowhere as well. All she said was that she was Plants´ sister, and showed her nano collection. Lets just say Purple has some weird nano choices, always choosing the worst powers for each of her nanos, just to make people confused. She does her best against the Fusion invasion despite this however.

Ok now go nuts fanfic writers

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