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Operation: Code RED

Listen up everyone. This one is really important so pay atention.
The FCC is planning to KILL OFF Net Neutrality, which is simply that everyone and anyone can use the internet freely without having to pay money or have special benefits. Basically alot of the large companies of the world want to kill off Net Neutrality and establish pay walls and internet packs, which means you will HAVE TO pay for even the simplest of internet tasks, like watching Youtube.

Net Neutrality is important not just for me, but for you and everyone that uses the internet. On December 14th a vote will be held on court to decide whether to kill or to keep Net Neutrality. As of now everything is fine, but if the FCC succesfully kills Net Neutrality you will have to pay alot more to access websites, including our blog, which of course we dont and never want, intentionally or not.

Today, a Bill was introduced to the congress just for Saving Net Neutrality. Not only is this our biggest chance at stopping the FCCs plans of killing Net Neutrality, but also to get our voice heard even more. Go and read it and send your reply to congress so we can win this battle.

Also, contact your Reps to tell them to support the bill. Alternatively or as another way to help out, go ahead and put or spread #SaveNetNeutrality.

This whole thing is the whole internet versus big corporations. We have won alot of these (just take a look at the Star Wars Battlefront II scandal), and this might just be the most important yet.

Im sure i and many others dont want to pay extra to visit our favorite websites, so please, try to do anything, even the smallest of things, to save Net Neutrality, as without it the internet wouldnt be the same anymore.


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