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FFR Weekly Devblogs: Escort Missions!

Hello! Welcome to our sixth update! This week we will be going into detail about our newest feature: escort missions.

This type of mission involves walking or “escorting” characters to a destination while defending them from monsters. There are only a few of these missions in the game, such as Eduardo and Billy’s Nano Missions.

The character you are escorting has the ability to attack monsters, but they will mainly rely on you to protect them until they reach their destination, as they can not do much damage to defend themselves. They also can't defend themselves from special attacks some monsters can perform.

The characters don’t follow you, though; instead, they follow a set path, and continue to follow the path until they are attacked by a monster. If the character you are escorting is defeated by a monster, you will have to restart the mission starting at the fusion lair warp.

Thanks for reading our latest update, we will have details on the future release in the coming weeks, as well as how updates will go after release, so be sure to stay tuned! And as always, we appreciate your patience!

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