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FFR Weekly Devblogs #3: Quick Chat!

Hey Everyone! Welcome to the third update post! This time we’re here to discuss a feature that was introduced to FusionFall Retro called Quick Chat. As shown in our last video, Quick Chat is a feature we enabled that allows you to quickly say things through Menu Chat, by holding shift and pressing one of your number keys.

Once you hold shift, a menu appears on the left, and you can press a key to say something or do an emote. This is what the Quick Chat menu looks like:

Similar to Menu Chat, there are categories of messages. Simply hit the corresponding key to the category, and then hit the corresponding key for the message you would like to say.

We’ve also made conversations easier by keeping the chat window open each time you type out a message. With this feature we’ve also introduced a single-second delay between chat messages to prevent spam.

This should make chatting and coordinating with your friends easier, and fighting against Fuse should be a piece of cake!

Thanks for taking the time to read our latest news and information regarding Retro. Stay tuned for more updates in the following weeks!

Theres something more to this however. Heres a post on the thread about the devblog by Kevman.
It says that each of the message options should have a corresponding key according to the numbers, but there were 14 options in that menu. How would that work then, since there are only 10 numbers on either numpad?

Sorry we really didn't specify on that. Whoops!

We plan on restyling this menu just a little bit, nothing drastic. This menu was something that wasn't enabled but was in the game as a option (not sure why they didn't enabled it. Probably cause it wasn't totally done!)

Id love to take suggestions on how to make it a bit more easy to use in terms of ones with 10+. Since you obviously cannot do that on a keyboard!

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