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POTD Analysis: New Features! (Week 3)

So... Hows it going?
Sorry for the huge hiatus in the series. Had some life and school things happening, but im back and ready to analyze more than ever!
To make things simpler, we will continue where we left off in Season 2, to make things easier and so you all can catch up on what you all missed! Lets begin with Week 3, where it showcases many new features and design changes!

PIC #1: Blossom and new Toon Shader!
Our 1st pic shows the differences between the old and new Toon Shader. While it is a still image, it still looks amazing, and im excited to see it once its animated :)
Blossom changed a little bit. Its clothing is a bit of a lighter pink, and her skin is a little more light.

PIC #2: New emotes and poses.
Our 2nd pic shows Allison in a new pose never before seen, which is a new pose. Theres a few differences on the background, most notable being the fences, which look more transparent than the original. Past that these chairs look more detailed.

PIC #3: Major Enemy Change.
Enemies will now have a different design to signify what nano type to use for each! Very neat, and very useful. We can see the Adaptium variant in the front, followed by the Cosmix and Blastons variants on the back. What about the one at the very back, dark and evil looking? Hes confirmed to be the boss of the monster. What type it has or how we will fight it is unknown right now, but we do know that it will be much tougher and have more health than its minions.

The area here is Candy Cove, outside of Sweet Revenge, which is looking more green, and theres even fusion matter making a sea (or river?) at the bottom. The bubble protecting the place is also completely different to the original.

And thats my analysis on Week 3 of POTD! There wasnt much to analyze, mainly because these showcased features and changes rather than major changes to zones or characters, but i still hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading! See you all next week!
~Cherry =)

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