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POTD Speculation (Analysis): Spooky Reaper D:

While this isnt an analysis, this is more speculation than anything. While there are details to confirm an area or something, i think its better to imagine what could it be. Lets do dis!

The 1st thing we can see its, of course, Fusion Grim! He looks much more like an skeleton, and its tunic looks more like the original Grim. Hes scythe also looks more detailed compared to the original.

One part of the quote says the following:
"Fusion Grim was just spotted in the woods near the haunted mines"

These woods are the wilds, which was the biggest area in the original game. What could this area be? We can see some crystals on the back, but we can also see fog and a dark ambiance. Here are my guesses:

1- Haunted Ridge
Haunted Ridge was one of the most bland, plain and boring area in the OG. The fog and Fusion Grim being around there could represent Haunted Ridge quite well. Maybe a Mine was added to Haunted Ridge, but this hasnt been confirmed yet.

2- Crystalline Caverns
In the OG, we could see crystals outside the IZ, but the fog couldnt fit in right? Well, remember the area was dark, and you could even see a moon! The fog could fit in quite well, but what about Fus. Grim? Is he making plans to steal diamonds from the mine? 

From these 2 options, i say Haunted Ridge fits in quite well, since it has more logical explanations for all of these things. The FFL team could easily add a Mine to Haunted Ridge so it fits in more with the POTD, but thats only speculation.

What yall think? Thanks for reading! See yall later!
-Plants10000 (Mega4500) 

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