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this update is great please go play it

The Brand New Ben 10 Update!

The sun is bright, and Fuse is still at large, because new threats have appeared in FusionFall Retro!
A brand new ben 10 update has been released just yesterday, including a new boss, new missions, new characters and more! It is quite a huge update.

Theres SO much in this update, ill just leave the patch notes and you can read em, but if you dont have the time to read, ill give you a quick rundown:

- New Ben 10 characters, including Echo Echo and Albedo
- New Ben 10 themed items, alongside some returning ones, in the new boss, Fusion Mega Echo Echo.
- Brand new permanent missions
- Music changes
- Texture and size changes to NPCs
- So much more!

Go play RIGHT NOW. This update is one of the biggest we´ve had so far, and it will be a game changer for everything. I´ll make posts for it all, alongside videos of the new missions, so stay tuned!

~ Plants10000


The importance of Taros in Retro - How do they compare to the original?

Image result for fusionfall taros

So we talked about the value of items from the OG to Retro, but what about Taros?
Surely Taros got a change in Retro right? Well they did! Come with me as i tell you why Taros are more important than before in Retro.

Taros in the OG were useless, and not like how the SA Shoes are nowdays. I mean USELESS. Nobody wanted taros in the OG, and that is why so many of the prices in taros for items skyrocketed.

Another problem was the taros sink systems in the OG.
Every MMO has them. Its some sort of service or temporary item you can buy, which uses a currency to buy from an NPC. Unlike a player who keeps the currency, the NPC basically deletes it in favor of giving you said service. They help the economy stay stable and afloat. FusionFall did not do this well in the OG.

Image result for fusionfall taros
Remember clyde? When will they add him again?
Even the main taros sink in the OG game: Vehicles, did not do its job well as the vehicles were dirt cheap. Cul-De-Sac had them for 500 taros or so.

Image result for fusionfall taros

So not only did the taros sinks in the OG not work, but there were also very few of them. Vehicles was the main one and well as you can see that clearly did not work.

Shops dont work as the items that they sell are terrible.

Eggers dont work as they were dirt cheap as well.

All of this lead to the Taros in the OG game being useless and worthless.

Image result for fusionfall retro vehicles

But... That is the complete opposite in Retro.

In Retro, Taros have become pretty valuable, that most, if not all, items are sold in Taros rather than items nowdays.

Something that is starting to be more clear in Retro is that the devs want Taros to become valuable again. Something that you actually want to save and use wisely. This is why there are so many changes to the shops, items and services offered.

Lets take the vehicles for example. When the Past released, they all were 10000 taros each. All of them were 750 speed. This worked well but not as great as the devs thought.

The prices were later changed, and while they finally served a purpose to be used as taros sinks nobody wanted to buy them as they became too expensive and not worth the price. This is where Halloween rolled in.

Image result for fusionfall retro vehicles
Where is that Mock 5 hovercar Devan?

Halloween gave us the new pumpkin crates, which while expensive people would buy, but it was better to grind for them as they dropped like candy.

Knishmas was a completely different beast however. We got 2 really quick vehicles for Knishmas. The 1st 1100 class vehicles in fact. They were really expensive at 100,000 taros however, and so were the knishmas crates, which this time around didnt drop as often as Halloween.

Bday Bash brought back a ton of vehicles as well, all 10k each. A steal in comparison to the 100k you had to pay in Knishmas. Valentines had a super fast vehicle as well, and so did Easter, for fairly reasonable prices.

Image result for fusionfall retro police car

Between all the events however we also got new services added. Mysterious Vendor with his 100k accesories is a great way to get taros out of the economy, but many feel like its overpriced.

We got Woosh the whale, who can travel you around places with water quickly, but due to how limited the areas he could bring you to are, its not used often. Some call it overpriced too. I think its ok.

What is making Taros more valuable than before NOWDAYS however, is the new PERMANENT vehicles, and potions and gumballs.

Image result for fusionfall retro police car

Why? Lets take the more common ones 1st: Vehicles
We got the Kimchi Cloud during Valentines. This level 20 fan favorite cloud has 900 class speed. Already faster than a normal and gumball boosted run nano. It costs 35k taros.

This one alone started making taros more valuable, as people would buy and rebuy the cloud every week. It would lead to taros being more valuable since it was now worth it to buy a vehicle.

Then later on we got the Police Car. This Level 32 Townsville Center exclusive Hovercar has 1200 class speed, currently the highest you can buy in Retro. It costs 50k taros.
This one was meant for players who played the game a lot and could spend a bit more for extra speed, and once again made players buy it like candy. More taros getting out of the economy.

Another thing that is making people spend taros are Infected Zone races, with Gumballs and Potions.

Image result for fusionfall retro IZ Racing

With every race you do you spend Potions quickly, so its important to restock on them every few races. Gumballs are used to be faster and get a better score. This has made Potions and Gumballs more valuable, thus creating another easy and reliable taros sink... A bit TOO reliable.

You see, with these 3 combined, Taros have become extremely valuable, and people are starting to run out. This is problematic as it would mean more grinding or creating more characters to do missions and get taros from there. It could get to the point where these sinks are taking too much money from players that people would rather do something else with their taros, like trading.

I feel like there should either be a nerf to these taros sinks, or making taros easier to obtain rather than just missions and grinding. A lot of people have suggested Races giving out taros as well as FM, so maybe that could work to balance things out.

As of right now there is an imbalance between how many taros you get and what you need to do with them. Theres a lot of things that require you to have a lot of taros to do frequently, but not enough or not many quick ways to get taros. Things should definitely be balanced here.


Possible Ben 10 Update soon-ish? FusionFall Retro Ketch - up #1

Ignore the pun name i could not think of anything

So quite a few things have happened in the FusionFall world recently. Today i wanna talk all about it.

Version 2.8 of Retro dropped on June 22nd, 2019. It introduced the long awaited Infected Zone races and Emails. This update brought a ton of activity back to retro, with a ton of races to play in, leaderboards to conquer, and items to obtain.

160 items in fact, and that is not including re-releases. A bunch of old items from the OG got readded, including code items, unreleased sets and tons of accessories.

The update also added something very interesting: An interior. More especifically the interior of Foster´s Home.

This interior was taken straight from the OG game, Fusion Cheese´s lair in fact, with some remodeling and changes to make it look better. Herriman has moved in here, and missions have updated to tell you to go inside. A much better spot than him simply standing outside near a fusion lair.

A few other changes included new girl scamper pilots, Johnny Bravo going missing, brand new construction hat for the mysterious vendor, new holosuit, solomon hat has increased drop rate, hat updates and changes, and overall bug fixes.

Finally, a new boss was added. Named the Dark Horntail, these guys come in one big group of 5 dinos. Being level 40, they are nothing to scoff at. Make sure to bring a group to fight them!

After this massive update, it didnt take long for the next one to come out. Version 2.8.1 of Retro released on June 30th 2019, bringing changes to racing and some new graphic additions.

Some Racing crates used to drop uncommon and common items. This is no longer the case, and also now you can get a crate by getting 3, 4 or 5 stars, when before the update you had to get 4 or 5.

Object Fading and Anisotropic filtering now work in Retro. Object Fading makes objects look a bit transparent when far away, and pop out when you come close, while Anisotropic Filtering ups the quality of the textures in game. Both can be enabled or disabled in the options menu.

So thats all for updates right? Not exactly.
On Twitter, 2 memes were posted. The 1st is a video of Spidermonkey recreating a scene from Spiderman Far from home.

Something interesting to note is that Spidermonkey was NEVER in the original game. Does this mean we could see more new characters in Retro? Where and how did the devs find Spidermonkey? Could this be a new ben 10 related update? Only time will tell.

The second one, and the most recent, is of course Kevin Car.

Did anybody care about the Megawhattage´s around it tho? Both were in the original but now they are returning! Or at least Kevin Car. Could Megawhattage become an NPC? Its safe to say that the next update will be Ben 10 related.

And thats all for now! Thanks for reading!

Kevin Car

Kevin Car


The state of the FusionFall Economy

Image result for fusionfall trading

So lets talk about the FusionFall Economy shall we?
Yes, everybody MMO has it. Every MMO will have it. The FusionFall economy is very interesting, and very simple to understand too. Today however, i wanna talk about the state of it currently, after the massive Racing and Email update that dropped a few weeks ago.

Lets begin with some prior story: Back in the OG, the economy was very set, and didnt change much.
Remember the Blindfold? Back in the OG, after the Academy Update, it skyrocketed to 1 million to even 5 million taros! In Retro however, this item is practically worthless. Here are a few more examples, and the comparison to Retro:

Open Circuit Parts
OG: 4 mil - 8 mil
Retro: Practically worthless.

Ultimate Fusionfall price guide /Drop Guide /Fusionfall slang guide  Parallel_Circuit_Shirt

Coco Set
OG: 2 mil - 10 mil
Retro: 100k - 200k

Gang Green Gang Jackets
OG: From 1 mil to even 5 mil
Retro: Practically worthless, with Ace Jacket being the exception, at 100k - 150k

The biggest example is the Mock 5 Helmet.

Mock 5 Helmet

This item was so weird. In the OG the devs forgot to add it onto the egger system, thus it was really hard to get. As a result the item went from being worthless to 10 million taros.

So as you can see, the OG´s economy was super weird, mainly because of a ton of bugs which made items hard or impossible to get, thus increasing its value. Something like this happened to the pinnacle of the Retro economy: Sapphire Angel Shoes.


These little fellas, alongside other shoes like Eduardo Zapatos and Tech Camo Shoes, were the most expensive items in Retro when the game was released. This was because the Fusionflies at Huntor´s Crest were bugged, making these shoes undropable from them. You could only get them from the boss, Hyper Fusionfly.

As a result, people would just stay on all day long grinding the Hyper Fusionfly just to get the extremely valuable shoes, with their price being 1 million to 1.5 million. This created the extremely controversial pratice of AFK Grinding, where players would leave their PC´s or do something else while playing, but not getting kicked.

On March 10th 2019, the Fusionfly drops were fixed, thus making these shoes drop from them. This was the 1st major crash in the economy, as many players had stocked up on the shoes to trade them. Their value became practically 0, and it remains like that to this day.

However, in the midst of shoes, jackets and more, something very interesting happened in the economy: Event Items.

Yes, the items that are only available for a limited time. Get them while you can.
The 1st of these was way back during the Future Sneak Peek days, with the 2010 Hat, 2010 Glasses and the Disco Ball head.

On August 29th, 2018, the Time Squad event began, and with it new items began to be added. The 1st 2 were the 2010 glasses and hat. To get them you would need to find the Time Squad member in the Future and trade with him. This would result in tons of players waiting to get their items.

After this, Time Squad members would ocassionally come online and run around the future, and if you found them they would give you both items! It was a fun event.
The hat and glasses became really valuable, with them going from 25k to 50k taros each, and this price will increase as time goes on.

The event ended with the release of the Past, where a time squad vendor was hiding in pokey oaks, and you could buy the hat, glasses and the new Disco Ball hat from him. The Disco Ball hat isnt as wanted as the 2010 items, but it still has some value to it. The items have not been seen since then.

With the past of course came all the brand new Ultra Rare items, which had some pretty big value as well. The already mentioned Fusion Fly shoes, the dynamo sets, some weapons and more. For the Past, the most valuable item is the Fusebreaker Hurricane, at 1 million+ taros. This is because its a mission only item, and you have to be lvl 36 to get it by beating Fuse. It is by far the most expensive item.

The 2nd most expensive item in the Past is the Devil´s Temptation´s wings. It can go for 500k+ taros, making it quite a valuable item too. You can get it by completing all the Thronambular missions, which requires you to be at least lvl 34. It cant be grinded, and while you also get a nice set from it, that one is basically worthless as it can be grinded.

In October, the next event items started appearing, in the form of the Halloween items. Most were trash, but a few stuck out from the bunch: Big Chill.
Simply put, all the Big Chill items were the valuable stuff here. The problem? None of the Halloween items were tradable. This would make many players sell their items and never keeping them. 

2 weeks of the game being down later, and Knishmas came around. Knishmas made all items tradable, as a result of this many of the halloween items became valuable, with the Big Chill Wings currently standing as some of the most valuable items in the game, at around 500k+ taros.

Like Halloween, Knishmas had quite a few items, but most of them didnt get that much value and/or were undesired. Some of the valuable items from knishmas include the Fiskerton Bubblehead, Santa Hat, Reindeer Antlers, Fusion Chowder Hat, Chef Hat and the Ice Armor from the Knishmas exclusive Ice Titan boss.

2019 finally rolled around and with it came the Birthday Bash. This update was huge for items as it added 60+ items. Not the biggest one, but it did bring some very desireable items. Alongside it also came the Party Pooper and Party Crasher bosses, which dropped these items. They spawned every 5 mins, and you could get a ton of crates from them. Because of this most of the Bday Bash items arent that valuable.

The valuable items from Bday Bash 2019 include the Bday Suit, Nergal suit, Clockwork Rewound set, Way Bad set, Fallen Angel Prayer´s, Albedo Jacket, Jersey Devil Wings, Signed Ace Jacket and the Grabble, alongside the bubbleheads.

This update was a game changer, as it declared that Event items would be the new thing you´d want when trading. Most of the in game grindable Ultra Rares were losing value slowly, and event items took their spot. 

Image result for FusionFall Birthday Bash 2019

Rolling into February we got the Valentines Update. This one brought back event missions and all the event items can be obtained from doing them. The only valuable items were the Blood Gnat accesories. 

Squeezed between this and the Easter update, the Fusion fly drops lost all their value too, making the Event Items the true valuable items in the game.

Easter came around, and we got more items to nab our hands on. This time thru an event egger, named the Easter Egger. Buy an egg and good luck! Most items here arent super valuable, but the Val Hallen´s Might guitar and the bunny bags and accesories are the most valuable here. 

Image result for FusionFall Easter 2019

Between this also came the small April Fools event, where we had to find an April Fool vendor. He sold 3 April Fools hats, which are fairly valuable now, and a popular item too.

From here there was an almost 2 month wait for the next update, and one of Retro´s biggest updates: The Racing update.

Image result for FusionFall Races

This update was massive. Races were super popular in the OG, and now with them back and better than ever the game regained life after 2 slow months of nothing. The devs changed the drops for the race crates, now having a ton of old and new items in them. This also includes some re-releases of old event items that were already in Retro, mainly Bday Bash items.

It added 160 NEW items. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY. This is the most items that have been added so far in Retro. 100 more than Bday Bash. To get a race crate you had to get 4 stars in a race, but this was changed to 3 stars in the most recent update.

A ton of these included old sets from the OG like Bubbleheads, code items, and even unreleased items! A whole ton of items from the harder IZ races are really valuable, like the Wraith, Goop, NRG and Firebreather sets, and all of the bubbleheads.

This update has once again changed the economy, whether for the best or the worst. Now the economy spins around what you get from Racing, and Racing items as a whole. Event items, at least for now, arent that valuable anymore due to this, but like any item that has not been released in some time, their value increases over time, so unless something else happens, Event items will eventually catch up or even out value the race items. 

Overall the economy for Fusionfall is pretty stable so far. Race items are all everyone wants. Event items still have some value, and most of the grindable Ultra Rares are slowly losing value thanks to this. Its pretty good. Just make sure not to get scammed!

Extra for my viewers
Hey everyone. Sorry for not posting anything so far. I got busy finishing school and youtube. Im on vacations now so expect more blog posts soon. Thanks for reading! If you want more of me, make sure to check my youtube channel, as im more active there.



Back to posting but with some conditions and changes.


So recently ive been getting less work at school, which means more free time, so i decided to start back up the blog again, however i made a huge change to how i will post from now on.

Simply put: No more schedules.
The blog was becoming more of a job than something fun to do during my free time, and schedules definitely helped in making me think that, which is why i stopped posting.

I tried to put other stuff i liked into the schedule, but it didnt work. I still lost the want to post. From now on i wont have a set schedule on when or where ill post.

If you do want a daily feed of me, you can check out my twitter, which is also for art ive been doing recently:
I´ve been uploading semi-regularly on my youtube as well:

Before you wonder though, yes all blog posts will be announced/shared on my twitter as soon as posted, and the topics will still remain as FusionFall. I have some pretty good topics coming soon i wanna tackle (Guides on nanos, nano powers, game settings, weapons, monsters, items etc)

To make up for the removal of Daily posts, i will try to make longer posts as well, that way the time you waited for a post was worth it.

Until the next post everyone :)


Where to find me

Youtube (FusionFall and gaming):

Twitter (Art and memes):

I still post and do things every day on both (mainly on twitter), so make sure to check those out if you still want to see content from me.



FusionFall Retro v2.6: Minor Changes

There were also some other minor changes done to the game outside of those we saw today. Heres a look at them.

The Sombrero Hat was made Ultra Rare, probably to reference the Goon Squad, a group of FusionFall players who love to grind. Their signature hat is the Sombrero. Either just a coincidence or a tribute to em.

The Spidermonkey arms are finally tradable. Hooray for tradeability!

The 2010 Hat was way too high up, so it was brough back a bit to earth, and looks alot better now.

Items like the Bellum Wig and this tipsy hat were made available for men too, and items like the Johnny Bravo Wig were made for Girls too. Hooray for Gender Equality!

Finally, the Hyperflies FINALLY drop the correct set of items. They originally droped exactly the same items that the Wooly Behemoths dropped. Now they have the same drop pool as their boss, Hyper FusionFly.

What does that mean? FINALLY NO MORE CAMPERS AROUND THE HYPERFLY. Rejoice everyone.

Stay minor everyone!

FusionFall Retro v2.6: Johnny Bravo!

Speaking of newcomers, Johnny Bravo has made his sneaky way into Bravo Beach, near the Monkey Skyway Agents.

I guess since they did have the model and stuff ready for him they thought "why not add him in already", so thats what they did. He doesnt hand out any missions at the moment however, but if you talk to him he does tell you to "come back later when the party starts", suggesting he will get missions in the future.

Alongside him a Nano Station has parked near him too. Not bad.

Stay cool everyone!