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So... What´s up with Retro?

Okay im gonna catch up on most of the Retro news. Lets begin because theres quite a bit of explaining to do.
To begin: Sneak Peek Weekend is still happening, but some bugs presented their face and are currently delaying it. While many of them arent too dangerous, and have been fixed, one of them is currently delaying the sneak peek weekend.

Lemme explain: This bug makes monsters get stuck on the world, making them unable to move or respawn. One forum user explained it like this:

The bug is a long standing one involving mobs. Mobs can sometimes randomly get stuck when they are in the return home state, meaning they followed you for awhile and gave up, so they quickly run back to where they are suppose to be.

Again, they get stuck in that state, stop in their tracks, invincible, and basically make it so a mob cannot spawn anymore (as it cannot be killed to trigger the spawning of the mob)

So yeah... Mobs cant respawn. The devs have been trying to fix it so far, and we just hope they can fix it soon.

And of course, with the lack of Weekly Devblogs and little communication from devs (directly from a devblog and not from a random/bug forum thread), alot of newer users and people are getting mad or desperate to play... Which leads to misconceptions, arguments and more.

So yeah... Now we are just waiting for that bug to be fixed. I just hope the devs can make a devblog or an announcement regarding the bug so that more people can know about it and stop complaining about the release.

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