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COC: Road to Town Hall 8! Part 3: Base designs and sacrifices (Day 10)

To me: Base Designing is hard af holy moly.
A good base = good progress and less resources lost. When designing your base, you need to consider which route you want to go. There are 3 types that are the most commonly used.

  • Trophy Base: Used to conserve trophies and keep gaining trophies from defenses, at the expense of losing resources, as the Storages are used as high HP buildings to tank troops (like War bases)
  • Farming Bases: Focus on keeping resources safe and getting the least amount of Gold and Elixir stolen, at the cost of frequent losses and dropping trophies. There are 2 variations: The Normal one (Gold and Elixir, with a minor focus on Dank Elixir), and Dank Elixir Farming (Main priority to protect is Dank Elixir Storage). The Town Hall is usually less protected to make space for the Storages and defenses to protect them.
  • Hybrid: A combo of the last 2, giving your base a good amount of each. Semi-Inconsistent however.
Your base has to use one of these in order to succeed at its job, otherwise it will fail constantly.
I myself chose a Farming Base, more specific a Dank Elixir Farming Base, since it keeps it protected most of the time (aside from the ocassional attack that manages to get in and raid 400+ Dank Elixir, but it still works most of the time), but today i decided to try out a different base. Lets just say it didnt really went... Well.
Lost a bit of Dank Elixir, which i regained from Raiding, but still. The pic above is the setup i used, but as of writing this, have now switched back to the old one yall saw yesterday.
I also dont lose as much Gold and Elixir as you might think. For every attack, i lost about 100,000-180,000 depending on how much i got at the time. Sometimes more, and sometimes less. Dank Elixir on the other hand, is lost about 75-150, and of course the ocassional 300-500 if they manage to get into the compartment of the Dank Elixir Storage.

In every base however, theres always gonna be some sacrifice. In Farming for example, you sacrifice Trophies and, in the case of my base, some Gold and Elixir. For Trophy bases its the opposite: More Trophies, but less Gold and Elixir (and even Dank Elixir!).

Anyways, enough rambling about bases. Lets get on with the progress.
So i ended up reaching the Max Elixir capacity, which is 2.2 million, so i decided to spend 2 million of it to get a Lvl 3 Dank Elixir Drill! Will take a few days, but way worth it. Giant Lvl 4 is a day away, which means this war will be the last with Lvl 3 Giants (thank god) and Mortar and Army Camp will be done by tomorrow too.

You dont know how much i wish Supercell reverted the change where you can upgrade Lvl 6 and up walls with Elixir. Yes it used to be 6, and now its 9. I hate that, but whatever.
Anyways... Upcoming upgrades should be Wall-Breaker Lvl 4, More Walls, Cannons, and Storages.

By the way, im planning to make strategy guides for some troops in the game (if it gets popular though im doing all of them), so stay tuned for that!

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