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FusionFall 101: System Requirements explained and what we recommend

Welcome back to FusionFall 101! Its been a long time since we´ve done one of these, and today we are back with a different topic.

You see, we dont just want to cover In-game content, but also helpful and useful advice for real life when playing or before playing FusionFall. Today we will cover System Requirements, and what we recommend you should have before playing Retro.

1st, here are the recommended minimum requirements provided in the official FusionFall Retro FAQ page.

Now these are really good, but we can go higher, and even lower. Retro doesnt require much to run, and even the worst computers should be able to run it. Here are our recommended specs (requirements)

OS: Windows is the ultimate, only obligatory requirement AS OF NOW. A Launcher might be made later for Mac and Linux, but its unlikely at the moment. Windows is very reliable to get so it shouldnt be a problem, but if you dont have Windows, use a PC emulator to emulate a Windows OS.

Version: The ones recommended are incredible, but ive been able to run Retro on Windows XP. The version currently used in Retro can be ran on Windows XP, albeit with some lag issues. We recommend however to use Windows 7 to 8.1 (i myself use 8.1 Professional, and it runs like a charm).

Processor: The original recommended is really good, but if you dont have that a 1 to 1.2 GHz or a Pentlum 3 will work just as well.

Video Card: The video card is very common to find on Windows 7 to 8.1. My PC contained Shaders and DX9, but if you dont have it then update Shaders and/or change your Video Card.

Sound Card: Pretty much any sound card from Windows 8 and up will work, and if you dont have that you can replace it, or just play with no sound (but of course why would you).

Free Space: FusionFall can run on something lower than 2 GB, but with lag issues. We recommend you double up on this (so 4 GB), so your game works with little to no lag.

Other tips: Make sure not to have viruses! These will slow down your PC, some even making it impossible to use (my 1st PC). Run your Anti-virus once every month or so, that way you can keep your PC safe from them.

FusionFall is a very easy game to install and play, and of course, even the worst PCs can play it. Thats where the configurations button comes into play, but we will talk about it later.

Now for the question of the day: What are your PC specs? Did you find this useful? Tell us in the comments below and i might be able to help ya out if you have low specs.
Thanks for reading everyone, have a great day!

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