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FusionFall Legacy: Introduction!

The long awaited introduction to the game has came out! Its amazing. Just see it for yourself.
Poppleworks, a user from the forums, made a list of cool things he noticed:

- Ben's narration from this was the intro to the Academy
- Flying vehicles
- PowerPuffs may fly?
- Foster's Home will have an interior that seems very faithful to the show
- We finally got to see Jackie Khones in-game and, of course, he's reading a detective book
- Functional Megas has been animated, which makes me wonder if there might be some sort of Fusion Megas
- Mandark's certainly gotten a huge upgrade
- Rex on his motorcycle looks a lot better; for example, jacket physics
- The jungles look amped up significantly.
- Drew Saturday actually did something.
- The art portraying Liberty Belle has not only been updated to match the character model, but it has added on the personas of Buttercup and Bubbles.
- Carl!
- Carl's reading a Toonami comic. The back cover is an advertisement featuring Dexter, Blossom, and MG selling a whole lotta junk, things and stuff.
- Omniverse Ben will appear as his aliens. Maybe.
- Alien Force jacket returns
- Skarr is finally revealed after being one of the first characters mentioned as part of Project: Revive. He's certainly a lot more polished and less cartoony.
- Father and... Him in a jogging suit? are walking around, meaning we may see background NPCs.
- Cars have a lot more shapes
- The bus stop is advertising the Mandark Industries Null Void gun, a callback to the manga
- RIP Double D
- Tech Square (and Goat's for that matter) are just enhanced to the extreme
- DexLabs kinda reminds me of Journey Into Imagination at EPCOT
- Dee Dee is there for obvious reasons
- The heights of the girls are changed significantly to be more in line with the Professor.
- Mandark sent one of his bots incognito to see the presentation, hence the Hawaiian shirt
- Mary and Susan Test!
- Not entirely sure what B-Cup's doing. Maybe a new minigame?
- Original cartoon art is referenced nicely in the screen Mac is reading from
- Bloo's redesign is finally revealed in action
- The DexLabs lobby shows off the suits Dexter will give out as a guide later on
- I.M. Weasel has been confirmed. This means that the only show with no representation as of yet (pre-2011) is Mike, Lu and Og. Based on this, I would imagine that they have a good shot at getting in.
- I would totally transcribe the stuff on the screens but I'm too lazy.
- It's absolutely amazing to see this scene with some context.
- Okay camera angles, I see you
- The Future is much more of a wasteland. Things just took a very dark turn. Also, is that the volcano?

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