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FFR Event: Group Photo!

Hey everyone! FFU Forums User BeauBaurer made a post talking about an event he wants to do. Here the post containing everything you need to know about it.

There will be a HUGE Group Photo being taken in front of Heroes Square in Sector V followed by a dance party afterwards to show the Dev's how much we appreciate all the hard work they have done for us. The event will be held on Saturday, August 5th at 10AM PST / 1PM EST. That way it gives everybody enough time to choose what outfit you would like to wear, and Members who can't make it during the week can make it to the event on the weekend. Here is a pic of where everybody will be standing. I'll be standing in one of the two circled area's to take the pic, while everybody stands below in the highlighted area. Hoping everybody can make it. Love to see you there. 

 This event is brought to you by: The Freedom Fighters Guild

What do you all think? Are ya gonna come? Im definitely going to go :)

Also planning on doing a Don Doom search/hunt later, but more details should be given out when the time comes. Stay tuned everyone!
Also an Update post to come real soon about our plans for the rest of the year and RETROs release. Stay tuned for that too.

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