DexLabs Search Engine


Looking for the old 2009 build...

Should have said it earlier, but this 19th of April Womayhem, a game master, started a search for the 2009 build of FF. Heres what he said:

Hey guys, we're conducting a search for the old 2009 build (preferably a version/build June 2009 or below).

If you happen to have played that far back or know someone who has, please check to see if you or they have a computer that contains the game files from that period.  You can find the files at these locations:

If the computer runs Vista or above, you can find the files at:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\Web Player\Cache\FusionFall
-- or (you can enter this in your start menu and press enter) --
%appdata%\..\LocalLow\Unity\Web Player\Cache\FusionFall

If the computer runs Windows XP, you can find the files at:
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity\Web Player\Cache

If you happen to find that the files were last modified or created in 2009, please PM me or post on this thread.
We are trying to recover an even better version of the game that has little to no crashing with improved graphics (believe it or not), so if we can find this build again it would mean the world to us.
Thanks for your help, and please do not try to contact Cartoon Network asking for these files. They don't have them.  This build also contains an unused area that apparently has a lot of content...  We're not sure what it could be yet.  But it's massive.  This could be new content.  (the area in red shown below)

Let's hope we can find the build soon.

Potentially new areas:

Well what do ya know? Just today (as im writing this) some user by the name of "StarwiiYT" said that he had the files!

"i have the files! should i put them on mediafire or something?"

My guess is that this will replace the 2010 build of FFR we have had at this point, but it might just be to check that unused area. However, if the devs decide to use this build, which is apparently WAY more stable than the current one, they said that it wont delay the release by one bit.

Wiltilt also said this:

Whoa, just got back from vacation! I figure I'd like to share my perspective and interest in early versions of FusionFall.

As it stands, we know just about everything we can know about FusionFall and we've looked and searched through every nook and cranny of the game....from 2010 onward....While I have some vague memories of the game from 2009, there are still a ton of mysteries we've yet to solve that could probably ONLY be solved by actually exploring an older build of the game. Heck just a few months ago I could have told you that I knew and documented every map square of FusionFall that ever existed. But sure enough, we know at LEAST 4 testing areas outside the map existed at some point and were removed.

It all really boils down to discovery, exploration, and knowledge of the game. Will we use a build of the game from 2009? We can't know yet, because we don't know if the benefits outweigh the lack of content. Like some others have said here, it boils down to finding these older builds first before we even consider taking action.

So, do you want this version of FF to be used? Tell me in the comments!


23/04/2016 UPDATE: NOTE: If you played in 2009 and then played again later in 2010 on the same computer, the files were updated. We're only looking for 2009 or 2008 files.  If you have the files, Zip up the entire FusionFall folder and upload it to Mediafire or some other file hosting website and PM me the link. Thanks.

24/04/2016 UPDATE: A user by the name of "Zeda" said that he or she has the files!
"Hey i have the 2009 files on my computer! I use the same computer but will upgraded parts, contact me if you still need them! "

25/04/2016 UPDATE: A user by the name of "Portal2player56" said that he has the files too!
"found the usb with the files in it! sorry it took me so long.anyways, these files are a pre-june 2009 Build which is good"

(Apologize for the lack of updates, school and the lack of news on FFR and FFL caused it)

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