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Introducing: GreenGullet Times! (Rioxnation interview)

So recently the GreenGullet times made a interview to Rioxnation, who is a moderator, and to give attention to them, i´d like to show you their interview! Credit to Indes, who made the interview and is part of the GreenGullet Times.


Heres the interview:

Eyyo Everyone, Indes here bringing you one of the first exclusives by GreenGullet Times, a Staff dedicated to news regarding FFR/FFL and the community in general! Among the very first things published by GreenGullet, I wanted to interview some of the more active and hands-on people with in our community. One of these said people being none other then your Community Team Staff and Moderator, Rioxnation!

I contacted Riox mainly for being such an active contributing part of the community, (Besides the fact that she is apart of the same team who keeps our forums from going into chaos on daily!) always posting in threads and answering someones question, she was hands down someone I felt should be interviewed. Any Staff member would have been great to interview, but I was given the honor to get some questions answered by Riox, so with that lets get into them! (And to you, Thank you Riox for doing it!)

Player Spotlight: Community Team Member, Rioxnation
Small Key to clear up any confusion
Indes = Orange                        Riox = Blue

-First, I'd to thank you for doing the interview Riox, you are definitely one of the first people I wanted to get an interview with!

Thank you for letting me be part of this!  I don't put myself out to being asked questions, but since you thought I was interesting enough, I feel honored haha.

- Rioxnation is a very interesting and creative name! What are the origins behind the name ''Rioxnation'' and did you go by any other aliases before?

The origin of my username was a simple one, really :'D.  The most I remember about it was I've been looking at a picture and on came something like Riotnation.  The thing was, however, I wanted to have the letter X included into the name (might of been some Kingdom Hearts fan decision), and thus, after very little time thinking about it, Rioxnation was decided.  I've gone through a lot other names though before "anchoring down" haha.

-How did you come to be in the FusionFall Community? Many of us  have played at very young ages, almost growing up with the game! Was this the case with you?

How I've enlisted to Cartoon Network's ranks to fight against Fuse was through perhaps the most effective mode of media: a TV commercial.  Lol, for the longest time, I've played in the Future developing friendships and hanging out attacking Don Doom and Bad Max.  Over time some friends left to play the next stages of the game, the P2P.  The constant reminder of the time machine made me anxious to move on.  The problem at the time, the thing that prevented me to continue and explore the open world, was the fear of asking my mom to pay for me.  It was after quite a few months that I've gathered enough courage to ask.  We were on a trip visiting some of my relatives when I've finally asked my mom to pay for me.  It took some convincing, and persistent pester, but she agreed to let me indulge the game.  I was so happy when she said yes, it felt like a load of pressure was taken off my shoulders.

-How did you feel about the Original FusionFall? A lot of the community would say that the game was one of the best things they'd ever played, considering it the best thing CN has ever made. What were your thoughts on it?

My feelings towards the original game was quite mixed.  For the most part it was a positive one.  Meeting people and going on adventures with them, it was great!  I played on a Windows Vista during my time and while it might of been a terrible experience for some, for me, it was my gateway into another world.  Any chance I could have at going online and doing things, I'd gladly take it.  The music was memorable, the monsters were inspiring, I enjoyed the game thoroughly.  Of course, with what comes with great games, comes frustrating times. Countless cases of crashes, network closes, and unfair advantages in battle, the most that peeved me were the less-than-appropriately-timed DCs.  I didn't cling onto much of those problems, however, especially since it's been this long since I've played.

Finally, how did you come to be apart of the Modulator-Network? As many should know, FMHQ was previously a fan-made site by Dex7322, at one point running under Yolasite (A web-builder). What were your experiences with the website and how it has grown?

HAHAHA, alright well, I've forgotten exactly how I found FMHQ, it might of been the interest to reconnect with the community after the official forums went permanently down.  After going through many clan forums and chatboxes, I was introduced to Dex7322's JM_Modulator hangout Xat chat.  Didn't go there too often, but ever since finding the chat, I've wanted to be a part of them.  Maybe not for the most part then, since I was concerned with other things, but whenever I came back to seeing that community, in the back of my mind I wanted to contribute.  Becoming part of the Community Team has always been a small goal for me.  Being interested, but having no idea exactly HOW I'd achieve it.  It was only after hearing about FusionFall Legacy coming into the spotlight on March 2015 was I courageous enough to send my first app in April and twiddle my thumbs in nail-biting anticipation.  It took me 2 applications to finally be hired.  Both apps I paid close attention to the instructions and proof-read them.  I also stayed in close relationship with the CT at the time, asking what I could do to improve myself to being hired.  2 solid months later, I've received a message from Dex letting me know that I've been accepted.

In closing I'd like to state, It was a pleasure to interview Rioxnation. She has a very storied part in the community, and continues to play a very prominent role in our community along with the rest of the team. With out them, our community would be in a very different position, and it is because of them we have a very controlled and stable movement. It was great to interview you Riox, and I look forward to fighting Fuse alongside you in retro! This was the first article I've wrote up for the community, and I hope everyone enjoyed it,  I don't think it was the best but I will try to get better in the future :)

If you'd like to become a writer for GreenGullet Times or feel you have something you can contribute feel free to shoot me a message or apply for a position at our thread:

(I take no credit nor money from this. great interview :D)

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